Jesil's Notes a human's blog on life and everything in it


#P6 Books that I want to see as movies


I’m a movie buff. I watch movies whenever I can. Even daily. My name is Jesil and I am an addict. I like watching movies. I like how actors give life to characters and how a story panning years can be told in less than 3 hours. I love how it makes me forget my worries and get distracted by moving pictures. The silver screen has always intrigued me. I am also a bookworm. I like books just as...

Books Read in 2019: #4


Very rarely do I read a book that makes me contemplate on its contents for hours on end marveling at the mind of the author. Even rarer are the times when I actually read a book that isn't academic, with a highlighter at hand. This book explores mental health and the surrounding stigma in the most meaningful and neutral manner as possible from the history of psychology, to explaining the...

#P5 What are the topics that authors need to explore more in their books?


Henry Ward Beecher said, “Books are the windows through which the soul looks out”. I have always found that statement quite thought-provoking and curious. It always made me wonder as to what the soul does when we aren’t reading books. What is a soul anyway? This is not the first time anyone has heard this question. The funniest and the most common answer for this question, however, was given by...

#P4 How books have taken a back seat in today’s digital world?


I’ll be honest, this is a topic that I have always wanted to explore based on personal experiences and thoughts. I have been an avid reader and a bookworm for a long time. Since my first picture book in kindergarten probably and I have always loved them. That interest and love for the written word only grew as time passed. They kept me company when the real world was too much to handle and...

Books Read in 2019: #2


I love books. I absolutely adore them. Not for the conventional reasons people give like ‘they open a new world’ or cliches like ‘Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body’ but because of a phenomenon that I have been experiencing all my life. At any given point in my life so far, I have always been able to pick a book that was absolutely relatable or inspiring...

Books Read in 2019: #1


So, remember when I said that I will be posting anything and everything that’s on my mind? So here’s the back story behind this post. I have decided to read at least one book every month from this month on. And the first book I read as part of my War Campaign against ‘Very Long Screen Time’ is a little book called “Source Code – Book 1 The inhabitants of the...

Jesil's Notes a human's blog on life and everything in it

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